My cry for help since I lost my job 11 days ago has gone out far and wide, and it’s so sad to hear of so many good people who have also lost their jobs. Not only am I hearing from people that I have networked with over the last year who have lost their jobs, but they have spouses and other family members who have lost their jobs too. It’s very sad, and these are very difficult times indeed. I know that this is going to get worse for many before it gets better, but hopefully this post can help if only in a small way.
If you have lost your job, or know someone who has lost theirs, or maybe you know of someone who is looking for an expert in one field or another. Maybe you know of a company or web site that is good for people searching for employment, or for retraining, earning money online (no scams) etc.
Please, if you need help, or can offer help, or just wish to tell your story to others, post a comment on this message.
Hopefully this simple effort might help connect someone in need with someone who can help.
If I can help even one person, then that’s a start.
So feel free to comment, tell us your story, or let others know how they might be able to seek help.
It doesn’t matter if you are in the USA, UK or wherever. Please feel free to post a comment.
Good Luck to everyone in keeping their jobs or finding a good source of income.
6 thoughts on “For All My Unemployed Friends”
As a contractor, for 18 months, the longest I held a position was 2 months. After 18 months of that, I gave up on contract positions, even though they most of the time, paid more than a regular postion. I found that the contract work can tide you over, but I had to have the steadyness of a direct hire position. If I lose my current position, I think I will leave the IT forum for another career. I am rapidly approaching the 50 mark (17 months… ) and it’s about that time, that unless you are a programmer/analyst, they start overlooking you.
Hold in there, Tony, something is gonna turn for you.
You hang in there too Kevin.
I have to admit that even as a Senior Analyst/Programmer, it’s still easy to lose your job. IT used to be a great field to be in. Now it’s flooded with lower end people wanting to be in IT, and ditto at the top level, too many people like me who grew up in IT with an ever expanding marketplace. Well guess what? There is only so much room for people at the top, so the rest of us get stuck at a certain level, and then get dropped.
Probably the only secure job these days is in the Police, or possibly the military. Should things get worse, the military will be in increasing demand, however should the USA pull out of Iraq etc, no doubt the troop numbers will be cut, and then what?
My best wishes. I’m also looking, as my last job ended on Dec 23rd. It was temporary, although naturally I was hoping to be taken on FT. So now I’m looking, and looking. Again, best wishes.
Jonathan Versen’s last blog post..22 Feb 2009
Sorry to hear that you are also out of work Jonathan. I hope you manage to find something soon. Times are tough, but I fear it will only get worse before it gets better.
Hoping that something comes up soon Tony.
It’s certainly a tough time. The fields that many of my professional friends have gone into include contract and consulting work, (as others have mentioned) writing, and teaching. It allows them to use their skill but to float over into areas that are still hiring and a bit more secure. Those positions however are limited.
I had a friend who sold her house and began house sitting. She was able to do this for nearly 2 years; it provided her housing and a pay check.
I also know that in my area there are impromptu groups forming of unemployed professionals that meet once a week at local restaurants for the purpose of networking, support, advice, etc. Amazingly enough despite the fact they are all unemployed it’s not uncommon for contacts to be made that result in new job opportunities. I don’t know how to locate such groups, but recently I’ve seen them mentioned in the national news.